The EquiGroomer

Has your grooming stone been worn away from last year's shedding season? Or does your horse hate your metal shedding blade? With spring coming in hot, and winter coats beginning to loosen up, the EquiGroomer is just what you need! This handheld shedding tool comes in two sizes: 5 inches and 9 inches!
The 5-inch EquiGroomer is perfect for dogs, cats and other small pets. It gently removes loose hair, dirt and dander on all parts of your pet’s body, including their legs and bellies. The EquiGroomer’s blade is especially useful for sensitive-skinned animals, too. Tiny barbs on the end of every tooth grabs dead, scaly hair and pull it out from the ends rather than digging down into the coat and potentially scratching sensitive skin. Because of the blade’s unique design, many pets actually find the grooming process very relaxing and enjoyable. Cats especially appreciate the EquiGroomer because the blade actually mimics a cat’s tongue.
Regular use with the EquiGroomer will produce a coat that’s soft, shiny and smooth. Not only will you be removing loose hair but also the dirt and dander that can dry out both the coat and the skin. Each time you groom, you help bring up the natural oils in their skin and enrich the coat. This is especially important for those animals that are bathed regularly or during the dry, winter months.
Best of all, you’ll be turning grooming time into quality time which you and your pets will both appreciate.
The EquiGroomer effectively removes loose hair, dirt and dander on all parts of a horse’s body, including their legs and bellies. The EquiGroomer’s blade is especially useful for sensitive-skinned horses such as Thoroughbreds, many of which won’t tolerate the large teeth of a standard shedding blade. In fact, many actually find the grooming process very relaxing and enjoyable.
The EquiGroomer’s design allows the majority of the hair to fall gently onto the floor rather than flying through the air and onto your clothes, face and hands. When the blade fills with dirt or hair, simply blow it off or simply pull it off with one swipe.
The EquiGroomer not only speeds up the shedding process it also leaves your horse’s coat shiny and smooth. Each time you glide the blade along their coat, you not only remove loose hair, but you pull up the dirt and dander that’s hiding beneath the surface. You also help bring up the natural oils in their skin which is especially important for those horses that are bathed regularly.
Do you clip your horse? Another great use for the EquiGroomer comes after they’ve been clipped. Imagine all those tiny fragments of loose hair on your back and then covered with a blanket. Talk about being itchy! The EquiGroomer will bring those loose ends to the surface so they can be brushed off.
Your horse will appreciate the care you put into keeping his coat in show-quality condition, the concern you have for his well-being, and your interest in making him feel good every time you groom.
Be sure to check out the EquiGroomer on Equivont to get a head start on taming those winter coats!